Eating Out Guide
Eating Out Guide
Having trouble knowing what to eat when you go out??
Dining out doesn't have to be a health goal deal-breaker!
With a few tricks up your sleeve, you can chow down with pals and fam while still crackin' the healthy living code.
First up, flex those menu reading skills to spot sneaky calories and boost the healthy vibes. Or, do some pre-dinner detective work and scope out restaurants with healthier options like grilled proteins, veggies and other side options.
Speaking of healthy hacks, let's talk drinks! Ditch the sugar-loaded cocktails and go for a light beer or sugar free mixers. Finally, if you're having dessert, share the love with your buds so you can satisfy your sweet tooth without going overboard.
A few small tweaks to your dining-out game plan, and you'll be winning at the healthy living game without sacrificing the good times with your crew. Get ready to be a dining-out pro!
Need more help download this EATING OUT GUIDE to help you make the best choices every time!